Our Experts give free consultation on selection of lifts and type of lifts considering the usage and type of occupation of the building at the planning stage itself. This traffic analysis is essential to plan appropriate lifts and the required well dimensions to avoid wastage of space in the lift shaft or to avoid wrong designing in the dimensions making a small lift shaft which will not be suitable for the correct lift to be installed.
Supply, Install, testing and commissioning of any type of new Lifts.
Lifts Also have lifespan and if the usage is normal, the lifespan will be good and if the usage is bad the lifespan reduces making the lift sick and unsafe for use. Modernization of such lift requires to be done to put them into healthy condition and give them another life for safe use.
Major Repairs will normally take more time and require well experienced technical staff to do a good job. It is also essential to use the spare parts of good quality and of correct specification to suit the equipment to be replaced during major repair. We have expertise to undertake such major repairs and complete them in time not compromising on the quality of the work done.
We have Well trained manpower with adequate stock of spares to do effective after sale service whether it is free servicing during warranty, labour service contract or comprehensive maintenance contract.